Phimosis alters penile mechanics in children

The phimosis it is an anomaly foreskin of the penis that alters the mechanics of this organ. It is characterized by the narrowness of the skin which covers the glans and is manifested by the difficulty in retracting the foreskin , which causes pain and, eventually, injuries in the affected area.

Pediatricians point out that phimosis it is often confused with Balanopreputial adhesions that prevent the reduction in a large number of infants . In some cases it is advisable to circumcision , although many doctors suggest letting nature act on its own.

In any case, the circumcision would be indicated in those Children over 3 years old whose foreskin can not be reduced behind the glans and that suffer from discomforts like itch or pruritus , or suppurative infections of the space that remains between the skin and the glans .

So that you know under what process This surgery is performed, in GetQoralHealth we present you an illustrative video of McGrawHill:

The intervention can be postponed while there are doubts, since it can be done at any age and with minimal discomfort.

On the other hand, late phimosis it can happen in children in school age that develop a preputial narrowness , after having had a foreskin normal and reducible, with no history of infection or of trauma local.

It is due to a allergic dermatological condition yet lichen that can cause a true scar and reduce the urethral meatus . In this case, the preputial narrowness It is progressive and very severe, so it must always be intervened.