Passive smoking children with hyperactivity problems

Children exposed to smoke used at home (passive smoking), have a 50% higher risk of developing two or more neurobehavioral disorders during childhood, compared to other children without this exposure.

Cigarette smoke can increase the risk of suffering from disorders such as attention deficit (ADD) and hyperactivity (ADHD). Two new studies of the American Academy of Pediatrics observed how exposure to tobacco smoke affects the learning behaviors of young people and their attitudes towards smoking .

This information has initiated, with the authorities, the debate about the adoption of voluntary policies of smoke-free houses ; Do you think it would be a problem that could be drastically reduced with such an initiative?

But it's not all bad news, this research also found that those children between 8 and 13 years old who lived in homes, with at least one adult smoker, found the smell of smoke "Unpleasant" or "disgusting" and have 78% less chance of get started in the habit than those children who had a more passive reaction to the aroma.

Experts say that give a good example by not smoking and participating more actively in the activities of their children are two of the many things that parents can do to help to prevent that the children smoke.

Video Medicine: I Started Smoking Cigarettes (April 2024).