Part of your life?

The discomforts related to the device female genital they are among the first reasons for visiting the doctor; at least among women between the ages of 28 and 37, who have the highest incidence of the following vaginal problems : bacterial vaginosis, vaginal candidiasis and trichomoniosis, as indicated by a study carried out by Diana German of the Latin American School.


The vagina is a muscular tube or conduit lined with mucous membranes and its opening is between the urethra (where the urine leaves the body) and the anus, "describes a study of theNational Institute of Health.


Part of your life?

exist vaginal problems , that although they are common, there is a lack of knowledge about them. To take care of your privacy, we present what these conditions are, with information from the University of Wisconsi.

1. Pelvic pain. Its cause can be difficult to determine. One of them is the ovarian cysts (in most of the times they disappear alone, but in others they break or twist causing a sharp pain.

2. Vaginal infection. The presence or overgrowth of fungal cells in the form of yeast, bacteria or viruses can cause an infection. These can also occur when there is a change in the normal balance of Vagina organisms . The most frequent symptoms are: change in the flow, redness, bad smell, burning.

3. Vaginal prolapse. It can cause changes in the urine and bowel evacuation.

4. Retention From a tampon, a contraceptive device or a foreign object.

5. Injury to the vulva or vagina. How to fall on a metal bar; example, on a bicycle.

6. Non-infectious vaginitis. Allergic reaction or irritation caused by chemicals, such as those found in aerosols, washes or vaginal spermicides.

If you experience some of these symptoms it is essential that you go with a health expert. Do not let time pass, take care!