Organic products benefit your health

The food organic are the result of a productive process free of fertilizers Y pesticides . Within these products that are of high quality you can find fruits and vegetables, as well as wines and oils, as well as preparations. These you can buy them in specialized stores or in supermarkets, identifying them by the label.

According to information published in , the growing consensus among scientists is that certain doses of pesticides and other chemicals can cause permanent damage to human health, especially during fetal development and childhood.

According to the Environmental Working Group, consumers can reduce their exposure to pesticides in 80% to avoid most contaminated fruits and vegetables and eat only the cleanest.

Recently the debate about these products has been opened, several studies have appeared where the debate has been fed if the organic it's more nutritional than regular products.

The doctor Alan Dangour , nutritionist of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , published the results of a study where he points out that organic foods are not healthier than conventional ones, although there are no conclusive studies, the importance of organic food It is valued not only for the benefits for the body, but also for the environment.

The portal reported that the use of synthetic pesticides Chlorinated hydrocarbons derivatives in the control of pests has had collateral effects harmful to the environment. These organochlorinated pesticides are very persistent and resistant to biological degradation, are very sparingly soluble in water, adhere to the tissues of plants and accumulate in soils, the bottom substrate of water courses and ponds, and the atmosphere.

Although the organic products They are generally more expensive, they are an excellent option to help the environment.

And you consume organic products? We invite you to buy organic products in our Product selection specially designed to take care of your health and figure.

Video Medicine: Health benefits of eating organic? (April 2024).