Omega-3 fatty acids

Everyone at some point we have felt sad or melancholic However, these feelings tend to be temporary. The feelings of sadness, As one of the symptoms of depression, they are so deep that they interfere with their daily lives, compromising their self-esteem and their performance in different areas of life.

The causes of depression are still not well understood, but they seem to be associated with genetic and environmental factors. Also, there are some foods that have some relationship with this condition:


Omega-3 fatty acids

This type of essential fats can not be produced by the body, so it is necessary to consume them through diet, through the consumption of salmon, sardines, trout and chia seed, to name a few. Some studies have shown that populations that eat less than Omega 3 , they tend to be more depressing.


Vitamins of the B complex

People who have low levels of B vitamins - mainly folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 - are more prone to depression than those that have adequate levels of these. The consumption of nuts, seeds, dairy products, cereals and vegetables decreases the propensity to present a depressive picture.



The serotonin It is a brain chemical that when depressed can cause depression. The tryptophan is an amino acid present in cheese, milk and eggs, capable of becoming serotonin in our body, which helps control mood.



This is a trace mineral, that is, it is required in very small quantities, which helps to maintain the blood glucose levels stable A type of depression called "atypical" -characterized by weight gain, appetite for carbohydrates, tiredness and sleep- usually reverses significantly when the person begins to consume chromium supplements. This mineral is found in vegetable oils, nuts, dairy products, meats and seafood.



It has been seen that there is a direct relationship between the state of mind and blood glucose levels . When there are imbalances in the levels throughout the day, this is reflected in the mood and concentration of people.

The ideal is to maintain a stable level of glucose in our blood and the way to achieve it is by eating every 3 or 4 hours. Making 3 main meals and 2 snacks is ideal, in addition to ensuring that each meal time contemplate the 3 groups of the dish of good eating.


Vitamin D

A recent study suggested the existence of the relationship between low levels of vitamin D and symptoms of depression. It is important to remember that about 90% of the vitamin D It is synthesized in the skin by the effect of solar rays. It has been identified that people who live in places where there are not many sunny days, tend to be more depressed.



The chocolate It contains a substance called anandamide, which has the ability to bind to the brain's THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) receptors.

These receptors are the same as the cannabonoid substances in marijuana, which explains the pleasurable and antidepressant effects produced by the drug. chocolate in people.

Although there is a relationship between the compound of chocolate and those found in the marijuana leaf, the comforting effect of these is far from the effects of the consumption of said drug.

Depression is a condition that must be treated by a specialist, and it is important to check if it is not our diet that is making us feel depressed. A change in life habits that includes a healthy diet and physical activity, complement an optimal emotional state.

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