Omítelos for your good!

Sometimes, people do things automatically without thinking about the terrible consequences they can have on our Health ; However, it is worth stopping a bit to analyze our habits and our state of health.

According to several studies, the following habits put in danger our Health and wellness; If we want to avoid being part of the statistics, it is best to avoid them.


Omítelos for your good!

1. Sleeping badly . A third of Mexicans suffer from a sleep disorder, of which 40% have insomnia, but what are the consequences?

A study of University of Chicago details that the risk of suffering overweight , diabetes and hypertension it increases when we do not rest enough.

2. Lying at work . This habit generates anger, lack of confidence and deterioration in interpersonal relationships, say researchers from the Autonomous University of Madrid.

3. Complain about fatigue . A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology It states that complaining about being tired or sleeping a little has worse consequences on the physical and mental performance of what is actually.

4. Eat badly. A bad diet with too many fats and sugars affects the intellectual performance of people, especially in the first years of life, says another study published in the aforementioned publication.

In addition, it is very important to have a balanced diet, since according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in Mexico more than 80 thousand people have died due to malnutrition in the last decade.

5. Smoking excessively. This habit causes the death of almost 6 million people each year. The annual death toll could rise to more than 8 million in 2030.

Scientists of the University of Minnesota , point out that the first inhalations of a cigar generate a toxic substance that produces mutations in the body that can cause cancer.

It only takes between 15 and 30 minutes, so that after inhaling cigarette smoke, substances begin to act on DNA.

6. Stress you. Mexico is the country with the highest percentage of work stress, and 75% of employees suffer from this problem, while 25% of heart attacks derive from a disease linked to this factor, according to surveys conducted by the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).

The worst consequences of this condition are: lack of concentration, anxiety, depression, insomnia, hypertension, arrhythmias, dermatitis, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, muscle contractures, diarrhea and ulcers.

7. Drink soda. Mexico is positioned as the first global consumer of these beverages. The main problems of doing so are heart disease, obesity, development of pancreatic cancer, explain the Harvard scientists.

Remember that it is best to maintain a Healthy life , drink natural water, have a balanced diet and exercise, to prevent the development of diseases that endanger our health. And you, what bad habits do you have?

Video Medicine: Buchu-japchae (Chive Japchae: 부추잡채) (April 2024).