Older adults who go shopping live longer

Many people believe, erroneously, that the fact of reaching the old age means that life has to be completely sedentary and that must be extreme care, with the intention of living the last years in calm and tranquility. Nothing is further from reality. An example of this is a study that reveals that shopping prolongs life if one is over 65 years old

It is at this stage that many find a true meaning in their lives, after many years of intense work , finally they can enjoy the small and great things that are worth it, without having to worry as much as before. While the care are required , the older adults they can have active and prolonged lives. In fact, those who go purchases daily or very frequently, they have 27% less of probabilities of die than those who do not perform this activity.

The study, carried out by researchers led by the doctor Yu-Hung Chang , of the Institute of Population Health Sciences, of the National University of Taiwan , we investigated about 2,000 men and women, 65 years old up, who lived in their own homes.

What they found was that those who were going shopping regularly they lived longer than those who bought once a week or less.

Even after taking into account factors such as mental fragility Y physical , men and women who bought daily lived longer than those who rejected the purchase therapy , say the scientists. This phenomenon was seen more clearly in men than in women.

"She goes shopping heavily by pleasure , to which is added the potential to increase the psychological well-being "says the study.

"Compared to other types of physical activity in free time, like the exercises formal, which always require motivation and, sometimes, professional instruction, the activity of buying is easier to assume and maintain. "

The doctor David Oliver , visiting professor of geriatric medicine in City University, in London, he told the BBC World : "What the Taiwanese researchers have shown is that continuing with the activity of shopping allows us to anticipate a better well-being and a longer life".

"Buying involves activity physical, interaction with other buyers and, since it is a rather complex task, it keeps us mentally active .

"It makes a lot of sense to convert it to a better predictive factor physical well-being and psychological, "Oliver concluded.

Video Medicine: Why Japanese Live So Long ★ ONLY in JAPAN (April 2024).