Obesity in Mexico causes three deaths per day

The famine and the obesity, that threaten millions of Mexicans, have set off the alarm centers around the food insecurity that exists in the country.

From this perspective, it is paradoxical that Mexico is being debated between the dilemma of seeing more than 8,500 people die each year malnutrition , and at the same time, see that more than a thousand people are dying obesity or hyperalimentation .

The obesity is defined by Pan American Health Organization as the excess of fat in the tissues of the body , which generates harmful effects for the proper functioning of different devices and systems of the body.

A worrisome problem is the childhood obesity , YMexico is considered as one of the three countries with the highest proportion of girls and boys with overweight or obesity ; In the last five years, 66 children under 19 have died overweight , a record in the history of the country.

The following video shows the characteristics of the childhood obesity and its consequences:

The statistics show that the age group between 45 and 60 years old concentrates the majority of deaths due to this cause, with almost 30% of the cases located. This way, it is possible to clearly locate which groups are most at risk.

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Video Medicine: Obesity Becomes Nationwide Health Hazard in Mexico (April 2024).