Obesity due to affective problems

"Symbolically the grease It protects from external aggressions. Many times it hides sexual abuse or the inability to exercise sexuality, "he explains. Larissa García , of The Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico.

In this sense, it is presumed that far from being the excessive intake of calories , the only problem that unites people with obesity It is an emotional lack. In this regard, García points out that the overweight I obesity , are the reflection of a channeling of negative emotions through food and the generation of an unconscious protection of the world through the grease that surrounds your body.

According to the CNN.com portal, an effective way to lose weight and be in shape is to have a "reorganization of the emotional codes of people who tend to accumulate body fat ”.

On the other hand, Marco Murueta , member of the Mexican Association of Alternatives in Psychology , told CNN.com that the obesity It is a problem that has worsened in recent decades. Mexico is the country with more people obese in the world, after the United States.

For experts, this does not mean that we are emotionally weaker, but that the world has changed in an accelerated way, by exhibiting and "promoting" unrealizable beauty canons.

Video Medicine: Emotion, Stress and Health: Crash Course Psychology #26 (April 2024).