Obesity detonates in stages of life

The risk that a woman has of being overweight and obese is greater during the childhood, puberty, pregnancy, lactation and menopause Due to various physiological, emotional and social factors, it is important to be aware of this in order to prevent it.

The life of women is marked by important physical and hormonal changes that occur at certain ages. These changes, sometimes linked to certain social customs, mean that in these periods the vulnerability of women to obesity is greater, according to information from critica.com.

In an interview forGetQoralHealth , the chef -yoguiMariano Garcés, It explains what foods we should consume to combat overweight and obesity:

According to the American Association for the Study of Obesity, the menarche early (appearance of the menstrual cycle) in young girls establishes the phase of obesity in later stages of life.

The strongest correlation is between the obesity during childhood and weight gain in adult life, so it is important to combat the risks that trigger it, such as sedentary lifestyle , a bad diet, work self esteem and have healthy habits of life.

When the puberty , to the previous thing certain alterations are united hormonal that produce obvious physical changes that can further promote obesity. In this time of life you have to try to increase your physical activity and, above all, take care of food.

On the other hand, obesity is a risk factor for pregnancy , which can have negative consequences for the mother and also for her son. And this is an additional reason to increase surveillance during those months.

Medical guidance is very important because the consumption of calories with adequate food diversification, in order to preserve the health of both. In addition, a exercise Adequate and supervised is essential.

If a woman enters the menopause and continues to consume the same amount of food, will gain weight, due to the different changes hormonal and that now it will burn less energy because of the limitations physical activities .

During the menopause decreases the production of estrogen , which are some thermogenic hormones (produce heat and, therefore, consume calories ). As a result, women's energy expenditure is lower. It is then necessary a hormone replacement therapy and adequate physical activity for this period.

For this reason, it is important that at every stage of a woman's life she is aware of her physical, emotional and social needs; In addition, it is vital to have the advice of specialists for an adequate quality of life.

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