Not everything that is said, serves

A large part of the population in Mexico struggles daily against two enemies: overweight and obesity. Both are the result of bad habits that prevail in the country, according to the Kellogg's Institute of Nutrition and Health . The most common are low water consumption, high calorie intake and skipping meals. However, to this should be added tips that avoid losing weight, rather than help eliminate it.

The goal of following a diet is to reduce the weight or keep it, but for Stephanie Castillo, assistant editor of the portal , a problem to achieve it are the bad advice that often pass from voice to voice and are taken as the absolute truth.

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Not everything that is said, serves

When you start a diet you hear a lot of advice, but which ones are not that good? GetQoralHealth , with information from Huffington Post , presents you five of them.

1. All fats get fat. For Tricia Psota , nutritionist based in Washington, This depends on the fat you consume. Those that come from walnuts, avocados and salmon protect the heart and support health in general. Even with a balanced diet these can help you avoid being overweight.

2. Make several snacks during the day. It's a great way to reduce hunger, but most of the time you do not make the right choice. For this to work, Mike Clancy, David Barton gym personal trainer , says that snacks should be nuts, fruits or yogurt.

3. Count calories? Not all calories are the same and are not processed by the body in the same way, says Clancy. The type, timing and quality can significantly alter the outcome of your weight loss. Quality calories are rich in nutrients.

4. Out of carbohydrates? Chrissy Carroll , founder of Inspiring solutions for well-being, notes that excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, can cause weight gain; but there is no research that suggests that healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables adversely affect health or weight, just the opposite.

5. More calories are burned with an empty stomach. It does not really affect the burning of calories, but skipping food, before an activity, can result in a loss of muscle according to a study published in the journal Daily Strength and Conditioning . Sandra Moldavo, of the American Academy of Periodontology, Indicates that for a good result eating a fruit such as banana or peach is an excellent option to lose weight.

If your goal is to lose weight, it is necessary that you take advice from an expert before any advice. Your health is in your hands.