Know when someone is lying it has become, in recent years, a decisive factor for our survival. Not only in politics, human beings lie more easily, in issues and with people who require our honesty: love, family, health and work.

As in the story of Pinocchio, people lie to escape reality, responsibilities, but can our nose give us away as the character?

A study carried out by two scientists from the University of Granada, in Spain, Emilio Gómez and Elvira Salazar, believe that if possible. To reach this conclusion, the researchers applied various thermography tests (a technique that detects changes in temperature) to different patients in the psychological field.

The result obtained was what they called: "The Pinocchio effect". Like the children's story, this part of the body has the not-so-appreciated quality of revealing the truth. But do not be scared, our nose does not grow with every lie we say it simply changes its temperature.

Indeed, in their study, both researchers comment that when we are doing a great mental effort or under an attack of anxiety. The temperature of the tip of our nose tends to descend or increase, revealing in this way when we lie.

However, the change in temperature is not the only thing that is altered in our body. Our brain presents an activity in the area of ​​the insula, which is related to our authentic self. This part is only activated when there are real feelings.

This study not only gives light to the opportunity we can have inaber when someone lies . It also allows us to have a better understanding of how we are and how complex relationships we feel and express are.

Know when someone is lying it would avoid many disappointments and pains; However, would we be better off without the lies?

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