No risk of heart attacks

The messy women We never know where things are when we need them. We took time to find the keys, shoes, those important papers ...

We live in a chaotic world but we are also healthier than ordered women, how is this possible?

You can also see: How to be a full and happy woman?

Researchers from the University of Minnesota reveal that messy women they have better physical and mental health.


No risk of heart attacks

As you do not get stressed and let things take their course, your body reduces blood pressure, cholesterol and heart damage.


You have less wrinkles

It is one thing for you to be disorganized and another for you not to take care of your hygiene. So in the same tone of taking your time to do things, the aging process is slower on your skin.


You get sick less from the stomach

As you do not stress, your level of anger is very low and this causes your intestines to work properly, do not stiffen and much less suffer from diarrhea.


Brilliant mind

If you have such a dump in the desk of your work that you never find anything, do not worry! Experts say that disordered environments help people to be inspired and have new and creative ideas.

If you are too orderly, it is not bad but take into account that maybe if you do not demand so much your health could improve. As the English playwright Thomas Middleton said ...


One of the advantages of being messy is that one is continually making new and exciting discoveries. "


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Video Medicine: Silent Heart Attacks - Symptoms & Risk Factors of Silent Ischemia (April 2024).