Nesting, is just the new style that proposes to do nothing more than, relax at home.

With one day divided between labors of house, children, couple, work and personal projects , the last thing you think is to attend that meeting of friends and just rest, something that we do not so easily do, why?

The accelerated pace, the anxiety to take advantage of time without meaning, are just some factors that lead us not to rest or enjoy or at least that was believed until now that millennials propose a practice to follow: theNesting.

But what is it?


Nesting, is just the new style that proposes to do nothing more than, relax at home.

Your name, that translated means "to nest", aims to promote rest and combat the pace of life accelerated, even as a woman you wear.

But beware, it's not about cleaning, taking things out, if not reading in your bed, watching your favorite Netflix series or preparing pastries; They are considered as occupational therapies to combat depression.

In fact a study published in British Journal of Occupational Therapy, pastry is ideal for this disease and reading reduces the risk of dementia.

So, if you do not have plans for this weekend, because instead of pressing to organize one, you just decide to apply nesting and rest in your home?