Myths and realities of being a father

How to be a good dad? Being a father implies being responsible for another human being, which can be quite heavy and anguishing for many people, so it is important to analyze the willingness to assume it and achieve it.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Pablo Guerrero, psychologist at the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico, He emphasizes that this responsibility has to do with how much a man is willing to assume it and if he is prepared emotionally and emotionally to live it.

The specialist details that it is a real fact that the bond between the mother and the child is much stronger than that established with the father, due to what she lives in pregnancy, but that does not mean that a father can not fulfill the functions that being a mother implies.


Myths and realities of being a father

Due to the social conception that exists about gender roles, myths and realities about fatherhood have arisen, mainly about the capacity of a man to educate and participate in the development of his children.

Next, Pablo Guerrero, a psychologist at the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico, explains some of them:

Myth 1 . Newborns do not need dad. Any baby needs both father figures, especially during their development.

Myth 2. Parents do not know how to educate their children. It is not a question of gender, but what we receive ourselves and each person as we grow up next to their own parents.

Myth 3 . Parents do not know how to educate their children. This has to do with what each person receives through their own education and development.

Myth 4 It is more difficult for men than for women to be both father and mother. The maternal side that a man can have depends on the mother he had and on his development and growth.

Myth 5 . Parents do not have a sixth sense for their children. It has a lot to do with the affective connection that exists between the parents and the child, that is, the development of those emotions and ties is what allows that sixth sense to be had.

"It is not a matter of sex or gender difference, but of other individual factors that they received throughout their development and upbringing," says psychologist Pablo Guerrero.


Get ready and enjoy this stage!

One way in which a man can prepare himself to be a father is by analyzing and working out one's own anxieties and fears of what it means to be that father figure and what it means to be a father.

This can be done through an emotional therapeutic treatment in which the things that he lived with his own parents are reviewed, adds the psychologist Pablo Guerrero.

Video Medicine: The Myth Of The Absent Black Father| AJ+ (April 2024).