Myths and realities about breastfeeding

It is common that when the mother starts to breast-feed your newborn has a little difficulty so that flow the milk. Around this there is a series of beliefs what can we do to stimulate the production of it? AlthoughMyths they are not backed by science, at GetQoralHealth we let you know them.

Remember to have much milk It is not a question of luck, nor of inheritance. Having the baby ingest breast milk stimulatesglands that in this way, they will produce more milk.

Myths to produce more milk

  1. The husband have to download it
  2. Do not uncover your back to avoid losing production
  3. Keep your head covered so that milk does not go
  4. Place hot red wine on the breasts so that the descent of the milk arrives
  5. Drink beer
  6. Ingest milk
  7. Consume atoles
  8. To drink pulque

Quality of milk

It is believed that what eat the mother will have a strong influence on the milk quality that is produced; They will tell you not to drink soda, not to eat, neither this nor the other. You should know that the only food that is proven to give gas to the baby is the Cow milk (yes, the one that the mother eats) the rest, it only changes the taste and sometimes the color, but never the amount of nutrients, vitamins and antibodies.

Another myth that exists around the condition of the milk, is that at 8 months it does not work anymore, it's lie It is always of high quality. Keep in mind that breast milk is the ideal food for our baby at that time.

In fact it has been seen that the type of milk of a premature mother, is different from the one who comes to term, this for the nutrients that we are providing our little one. If a baby is born before the 9 months of gestation, the amount of nutrients and antibodies that it needs to survive will be greater than in the case of the newborn that reaches the end of pregnancy.

It is important to always keep in mind that any doubt that arises is preferable to speak with your doctor to advise you. Although sometimes other people want to help us with their experience, when it comes to Your Health and that of your family you have to go directly with the health professional, it is indicated.

Video Medicine: Breastfeeding Myths and Realities (April 2024).