Myth: Chocolate produces acne

For many people, this food of pre-Hispanic origin is no more than a simple treat; However, scientists point out and recognize its multiple health benefits, even recommending its consumption, although there are still many myths about chocolate.

Therefore, according to information from the Kellogg's Institute of Nutrition and Health (INSK) , we will mention some of the myths of chocolate, as well as its reality:


Myth: Chocolate produces acne

Although there has been a relationship between the consumption of excess sugar and the appearance of acne , the truth is that bitter chocolate - with less milk and sugar - could promote healthy skin. This, because it contains antioxidants that could help keep a skin free of imperfections.


Myth: Chocolate has a lot of caffeine

The amount of caffeine that has a chocolate bar is usually less than that contained in a cup of coffee. Although for many people consuming chocolate is stimulating, it is not caffeine, but theobromine, responsible for this sensation.


Myth: Chocolate makes you fat

Although chocolate is made with milk and sugar, bitter chocolate, which is the most recommended for its low sugar, has fewer calories than one of milk or filling.


Myth: Chocolate causes migraine

Although it does not apply to all people, it is true that migraine It can be triggered not only by chocolate, but also by an extensive variety of foods.

It is important to note that if you suffer from headaches, it is worth going to a specialist to find out if chocolate could or could not be responsible for this condition. In general, for people who do not suffer from a headache, chocolate usually does not cause any symptoms.


Myth: Chocolate prevents cardiovascular problems

Chocolate contains a series of substances called flavonoids, which have antioxidant and vasodilator effects, which means that it prevents the oxidation of fats and the hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), thus promoting better blood flow and avoiding the increase in blood pressure. arterial.

According to a study in men, those who ate about 51 g of chocolate a week, had a 17% lower risk of having a heart attack than those who consumed less than 12 g per week.

In addition, chocolate contains oleic acid, a fatty acid that has been shown to decrease the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol , and increases the levels of HDL or good cholesterol . Likewise, it is capable of decreasing platelet aggregation, which means that it prevents the formation of clots.

Chocolate, as well as any other food, should be consumed as part of a balanced diet and adequate in calories, this way it will not represent any problem in terms of weight gain. Now you know the truth about these chocolate myths.

For more information: F: T: @inskmx

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