Multiple sclerosis treated with stem cells

The multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease that incapacitates hundreds of thousands of people in the world, many of whom end up confined to Wheelchair . The cause is the damage to the layers of myelin that protect neurons in the brain.

Scientists from the universities of Cambridge (England) and Edinburgh (Scotland) announced that they have identified a mechanism for activate stem cells capable of repair damage to the central nervous system, which will allow a better understanding of multiple sclerosis .

The doctor Robin Franklin , director of the Multiple Sclerosis Society Center (SEM) for the Repair of myelin , in the University of Cambridge , who directed the study, said: "The therapies that repair the damage are the missing link in the treatment of multiple sclerosis." We have identified a means by which we can stimulate the own neurons of the brain to undertake this repair, which opens up the possibility of a new regenerative medicine for this devastating disease. "

The research, published in Nature Neuroscience, was performed on rats. The development of drugs for humans may still be many years away, but it will pave the way for the creation of medicines that reverse the damage in the nervous system .  

Source: La Jornada  

Video Medicine: My Multiple Sclerosis Treatment with Stem Cells and Ozone (April 2024).