More properties of broccoli

Have you ever imagined that fast food could be nutritious? For the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) this is a reality, since when using the properties of broccoli they have elaborated breads for hamburgers and hotdogs that help you to prevent colon cancer.

The students of the National School of Biological Sciences of the IPN They prepared a broccoli flour, which was used to make gourmet buns and half-nights, in order to make fast food more nutritious.

Several scientific studies have revealed that broccoli is a crucifer rich in phytonutrients, vitamin C and E, minerals (calcium), iron, so it helps prevent diseases such as anemia and colon cancer.

To make the flour, the students dehydrated the vegetable and integrated it in traditional wheat flour, however, they took care of the quantities of the ingredients to generate a texture and a pleasant consistency to the palate.

More properties of broccoli

According to a study published by the Food Research Institute in the United Kingdom, including broccoli in the daily diet reduces the risk of prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer.

In information published in GeoSalud , specifies that broccoli activates genes that prevent the development of tumors and deactivates others that promote the expansion of cancerous tumors.

Even broccoli can reverse the cardiovascular damage that diabetes causes in people, according to research from the University of Warwick. And you, and how many times a week do you take advantage of the properties of broccoli?

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