More people die from contaminated water than from violence

Die more people due to diseases related to the contaminated water than for any other form of violence, says the United Nations (UN) on the occasion of the World Water Day .


Every 20 seconds a person dies for diseases caused by misuse of water . This means 2 million deaths per year, most children under 5 years old, says the Foundation We Are Water.

According to statistics of the organization, more than one in six people in the world, about 900 million, they have no access enough to drinking water safe, as to satisfy their basic needs.

The foundation We Are Water (We are water) is an organization that seeks to raise awareness and reflect on public opinion about the creation of a new water culture that allows sustainable management of water.

The initiative is aligned with the general guidelines set by the Millennium Development Goals (ODM) decreed by the United Nations and its program "Water, source of Life".

Here's a video of the Foundation We Are Water , where some current statistics on the problem are exposed:


We are loosing something from We Are Water Foundation on Vimeo.


Video Medicine: Unsafe water kills more people than war (April 2024).