Men prefer sex in winter

Sometimes human warmth is enough to control the cold that our body feels, but will it be true that the Sex increases in winter ? A new study suggests that during the winter season the sexual desire of the men, You want to know why? Discover it .


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Dare to experiment in winter!

A recent study conducted by the sex toy factory LoveHoney , 114 men evaluated, after qualifying the attraction of women every three months, they discovered that the Sex increases in winter .


Researchers found that throughout the year the attraction for women's faces did not change, however, as the month of December approached and at the same time the cold season, the female body seemed to be more attractive, which gives as a result the increase in sex during the winter .


The doctor Justin J LeMiller, a psychologist at Harvard University who examined the results, said: "The research gives us reason to suspect that time is not the only thing that changes with the seasons." Regardless of the marital status of the participants, it was shown that the months that cause most excitement December, January and February were those corresponding to winter.


Another study carried out by this company showed that in the United Kingdom most babies were conceived in the month of December compared to any other, this is possibly because the cold improves the quality of the baby. spermatozoon . What do you think?

Video Medicine: Older Women/Younger Men: Sex is NEVER just about sex. — Susan Winter (April 2024).