Mediterranean diet fights cancer risk

Lose weight can help you reduce your risk of cancer if you're already obese or you are overweight, but be careful, not all diets are effective in reducing this specific risk. There are some foods that are distinguished by fighting cancer.

Experts indicate that both diet how to maintain healthy habits of life, can even change the diagnosis of many diseases. Health Day publishes that the Mediterranean style diet promotes good nutrition and follows the food recommendations that prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The Mediterranean diet It includes:

  • Many fruits, vegetables and other types of vegetarian food.
  • Use various herbs and spices to flavor the dishes, instead of salt.
  • Limit the consumption of red meat and alcohol.
  • Use olive oil or canola instead of butter.
  • Eat fish or chicken at least twice a week

Within the recommendations of doctors, it is advised to perform daily physical activity , and eat at least 6 times a day in small portions.

It is not advised to eliminate entire food groups as carbohydrates or commit to gluten-free diets (unless they have celiac disease), but make an intelligent choice about how to manage the amounts of consumption and what type of food to consume within those groups.