Meditation for recovering addicts and alcoholics

Based on the literature written by Bill W. for the community of Alcoholics Anonymous , the Dh. Padmabandhu , member of the Triratna Buddhist Order, has developed a meditation workshop to support not only people who are ill with alcoholism, but all those who suffer the ravages of a addiction .

The 12 steps Mention a series of recommendations to achieve overcome an addiction , and it is in step number 11 where it says: "Search through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we conceive him, asking him only to let us know his will for us and give us the strength to fulfill it. "

Buddhist meditation believes that the wish it takes us to suffering , and one addiction it is precisely an avid desire that we can not satisfy and that causes suffering to the person who suffers it, as to third parties.

Padmabandhu points out that in the literature of practice there are 8 forms (vision, emotion, speech, subsistence, action, effort, meditation, perfect consciousness) in how we can learn to let suffer, which are divided into 3 major areas:

  • Ethics
  • Meditation
  • Wisdom

The Ethics teaches us to have respect for life, respect for what is not given freely, for abstinence from illicit sex, for speaking with the truth and for abstaining from taking substances that cloud our reasoning and our mind. They should have kind actions, generous actions, cultivate simplicity and cultivate attention and awareness.

The Meditation it teaches about Integration (cultivating conscious attention), Expansion (cultivating meditation through positive thoughts), Death (cultivating contact with impermanence) and Renaissance (which keeps us in touch with the ideal).

And finally the Wisdom , which helps us to recognize the impermanence of things, the insubstantiality and the unsatisfactory.


How can we stop suffering, in this case an addiction?


It is through the recognition of our life experience, and of stop granting our freedom to a third party, be it an object, substance or person.Stop mental events that lead us to suffering.

Accepting our condition and giving spaces to positive thoughts , of an experience of love and compassion, equanimity and happiness "says Padmabandhu. "Must let go of the thoughts that lead to suffering and call the good guys. "

The buddhism he is not a theist (that is, he does not believe in the existence or judgment of a God), however if they believe that they can stop suffering, and in the responsibility of each individual for their acts . The hate, the avidity and the ignorance generates attachment , which can cause an addiction.

Become aware of you and cultivate positive emotions they are ways of leaving behind the attachment that causes you suffering. Accepting your emotions, but not reacting to them, and meditation can help.

Padmabandhu give the workshop regularly for more than a year, every Friday from 10:15 to 11:45 in the morning, at the Buddhist Center of Mexico City (Jalapa 94, Tabasco, Col. Roma Norte, tel: 3547 0476/3547 0477 ).

Video Medicine: Spoken Meditation for Addiction: Help for Substance, Gambling, Alcohol, drugs, depression, asmr (April 2024).