Meditating is the secret of the mind

The meditation It produces a kind of well-being that does not depend on external objects, but on the mind , and for this you must cultivate a state of mind Relatively calm, serene and clear.

In accordance with Julián Véliz Perales , coordinator of Tibet House in Querétaro , dedicating 30 minutes a day to cultivate the mind reduces the levels of stress , elevates the body's defenses, increases the capacity of concentration and help prevent the cellular aging . Therefore, it recommends the following Steps to achieve a effective meditation .

Collection of breath

1. Find a clean, orderly and quiet place where you can sit: a cushion or a chair. Keep your back straight, but in a comfortable position Y relaxed in which you can remain still for a few minutes.

2. Observe the tactile sensations related to the breathing , either in the area of abdomen or on the tip of the nose. Do not try to modify your breathing ; Allow it to flow naturally and relaxed, as if you were deeply asleep.

3. If you notice that you mind is distracted or is dragged by thoughts , ideas or memoirs , do not try to avoid them or remove them, let them be and return to the sensations of breathing . Repeat this again and again, with patience Y relaxation .

4. Make this meditation for short periods of time (5 to 10 minutes), several times a day. This way you will discover how the mind gradually calms down and becomes clearer, in fact, the calmness and the clarity are always inside of us, it is only a matter of recognizing them and becoming familiar with them.

Meditation on loving kindness and compassion

1. Sit comfortably and keep your back straight. Gently observe the breathing while you allow the mental agitation settle and the mind relaxes and clears up.

2. Imagine what kind of happiness , satisfaction Y wellness you would like to reach Let your imagination fly and visualize your own flowering. Do not just imagine it, but want it all heart .

3. Bring to your mind the kind of difficulties , pain , anxiety or dissatisfaction from which you would want to free yourself.

4. Imagine that you reach that happiness how much you long for and rest in that feeling for a moment.

5. Direct your attention to those around you. Notice how, in the same way as you, everyone wants to be happy and long to stop suffering.

6. Bring your mind to someone in particular who is suffering. Imagine that that person gets rid of his grief and reaches happiness who longs; that all people, both near and far reach that level of wellness Y happiness , that everyone gets rid of suffering and its causes.

7. Free yourself for a moment from all the aspirations , thoughts Y appearances to mind and allows it to rest.

Véliz Perales says: "LThe aim of meditation is to help increase the happiness and well-being of oneself and those around us " .

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Video Medicine: Meditating - How To Use Your Mind Powers Even If You Don't Meditate | Meditating Secret (April 2024).