Massage for our brain

When you hear a melody , the body tends to follow the rhythm. It does not take a deep concentration on what is happening, but must be allowed to occur as a automatic and synchronous tuning .

In that way, the effect of music it will be converted into a kind of sonic massage that helps to eliminate tensions, caused by a daily life full of stress and anxiety.

The brain and music

Certain sonic patterns can generate alpha brain waves . Alpha waves oscillate around 10 times per second; they appear and disappear in our brain, exactly! not all the time are there. For example during dream deep or in someone who is angry or afraid there are no alpha waves.

These waves are generated in the left hemisphere of the brain, usually seen when we are awake but under a relaxed state of alert and are responsible for the relaxation, tranquility, creativity Y high performance .

Scientists have shown that creative people have higher production of alpha waves, have also seen that there are differences between the athlete common and athletes since in them the waves increase significantly before a competition.

The ability to produce alpha waves is innate , but as a consequence of Lifestyle stressful and accelerated that we carry, our brain has been forgetting how to produce them. This is why we easily become victims of anxiety and diseases related to stress reducing our immune system, so increasing our production of brain waves is good for everyone. So get comfortable, relax, listen to your favorite music and give it a massage your brain .