Malnutrition limits the development of children

In order to diminish the chronic malnutrition Which affects children in marginalized and rural areas , Grupo Herdez presented the Saber Nutrir program, which seeks to create awareness and a change in food behavior through the education .

In conference, the nutritionist Dr. Martha Kaufer Horwitz , of the Clinic of Obesity and Eating Disorders He explained that due to the acute malnutrition , caused by Iron deficiency anemia , 1.8 million indigenous children under 5 has cognitive problems and of increase .

In addition, it decreases the capacity of the organism to create resistance to infections, to recover from diseases , low school performance , low height and height ; sequels that, he said, can be reversed if detected early.

However, he explained that despite the fact that the malnutrition At the same time, other serious diseases such as obesity and overweight , from the school stage until the adolescence and adulthood due to lack of adequate feeding and little physical activity .

"Food problems in infants begin at age 2, the age at which mothers decide the type of feeding that they offer, which will always depend on the resources available to them, "explained the researcher National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán .

Therefore, he said, it is necessary to continue implementing programs that promote the value of health and a healthier lifestyle during the pregnancy and in school stages , which requires the participation of the whole society.

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Video Medicine: How Nutrition Affects Development | Child Development (April 2024).