Male wish

The male gender is complicated to understand in many aspects, but perhaps it seems even worse in the sex . The good news is that the specialists have concentrated on solving the enigma and handle various keys to understand the mens in the bed.

They are more complex because, on average they have 514 erotic thoughts every hour, which translates to about 7,200 when awake, while women have only half of this time, indicates an investigation of the Ohio State University .


Male wish

This may explain one of the many reasons why it may seem complicated to understand your partner on issues of sex , and so that you can solve some enigmas, we present you the following ones keys that will be of help

1. They want recognition. As part of their nature since childhood they maintain a constant search for acceptance, which never ends. The safer you feel, the better you will be in bed, you can help him in his self esteem praising him in the sex and sharing how much you like it.

2. They need to masturbate. That they do so does not mean that they are dissatisfied with the sex between you; men and women they masturbate for the need to feel pleasure and release sexual desire, he says Alejandra Quintero Rendón , psychologist of the María Cano University Foundation .

3. They are not a machine. A common mistake is to ask for more sex after a orgasm , for them this has an effect sleeping pill , which causes your brain Cut the signs of desire and need a break to recover, says a study in the magazine Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews .

4. They look for space. It's not that they do not want sex with you or are upset, it's just that sometimes they need space to enjoy their privacy , resume your desire and think about new strategies, indicates John Gray in his book "Men are from Mars, women from Venus" .

5. They want to be seduced. They also need petting , provocations and fantasies to get excited, are not in automatic with a erection waiting for you to be close. Therefore you must also have the initiative to take it to the top point.

6. They have problems. If sometimes they prefer sleep what to have sex with you, it's because labor, economic problems, fatigue or other things can unbalance your sexual performance , it states Carmen Larrazabal , sexologist author of "1369 questions about sex" .

With these keys to understand the mens in bed you can have an idea of ​​what it means to them or want, but remember that your partner has specific needs that you should do everything possible to know, if you want the sex be pleasant and satisfying.