Make your mind the best ally

To have better results in the gym , you need discipline, perseverance and even certain types of foods that help you from the inside, but you brain It can also make you get them in a simple way.

If you are one of those who go to fitness center every day they have a hard time, you just have to remember a training session positive that you have had and you will get enough motivation to return often, says a study of the University of New Hampshire .


Make your mind the best ally

As you see there are certain "Mental tricks" that you can use to have better results in the gym , we share them with you so that you can put them into practice from today.

1. Think of success. You have to monitor your thoughts while you do the exercise If they are negative or are between your routine and you, change them by phrases like "I feel good to run", indicates K.C. Wilder , sports psychologist member of the American Council of Exercise .

2. Invert the numbers. When you make your exercises avoid thinking about the time you have been doing them, and choose to speculate what is left to finish, this will help you to make it easier for you to reach the end, says an investigation of the University of Chicago .

3. Concentrate on the first movement. Many times the burden for having to perform a whole routine It makes you desmotive to start, so it is better that you think only the first exercise what you will do and then, inspired, you will continue naturally.


You should also bring in the suitcase of fitness center : emotional resistance, concentration and tenacity, "says the sports psychologist, K.C. Wilder .

4. Choose a rival. Mentally, choose a person from your gym and thinks that they are fighting healthy to be the best, a competition healthy can motivate you to work harder, this is what an investigation of the New York University .

Video Medicine: How To Improve Your Mental Game in Tennis, Make Your Mind Your Best Ally (April 2024).