Make them sure of themselves!

How to strengthen the self esteem of the kids? Life at school takes many hours and offers thousands of experiences that impact children for their entire lives. What they live in school, how they relate to teachers and classmates and, above all, how they are taught to manage their own opinions and manage their emotions, is more important than the learning program itself with all its subjects.

The human being becomes fully human and develops all the potential with which he is born when coexistence with adults is like a magic mirror; that is, the way in which children are treated by adults is the way to understand who they are, how much are they worth and how much can they achieve.

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A child that through healthy and positive treatment by adults is respected and valued, where their ideas according to their age or their emotions As anger or sadness are validated, it will grow with the confidence of what it is and what it can do.

It is then when a healthy self-concept is achieved (what they think of themselves) and a healthy self-esteem (the love and respect that each person has of himself)


Make them sure of themselves!

Here are five ideas and key actions to strengthen the healthy development of emotional intelligence of children in school, impacting their self-concept and self-esteem:

1. Call the children by name: Tell a child: "Hey you" "Child see" etc. is to say, "I do not know what your name is, I do not know who you are." To give a name is to give identity, it is to give a meaning to things; For a human being his name is what distinguishes him from others, it is a first step to tell him that he is a person and an individual.

Something very powerful that sends a deep message to the child, is "get down to the child's height", look at it at the height of their own eyes, gently touch his shoulder and say: I love you, I respect you, I value you, closing the sentence with his name. It is a profound message of recognition and appreciation.

Something extremely important and healthy is to distinguish being from doing. Every person, especially children, should be told what they can do best, but never relate their inappropriate behavior to their person; that is, it is not the same to say to a child "go five times that you do not clean your room" to say "you are a weak never clean your room". A child or an adult is always valuable, regardless of what they do is "wrong". Calling children by their name is recognizing their identity and the value of their being.

2. Validate your emotions: A child is a human being learning to live and who reacts to everything that surrounds him and above all stimulation he receives, but only with time and maturity, the reaction can become a choice. The same thing happens with emotions; emotional intelligence is to know, accept and handle emotions in a positive and healthy way, even those that are considered negative, are a natural part of living.

A child should be allowed to live his emotions when he gets angry, he gets sad, he is happy, etc. All of them are like a range of colors that make life feel; it is not worth saying to a child "do not be angry", "he who gets angry loses", "do not be sad", etc. All emotion It is part of something that the child is living, so you have to accompany him and help him to know that what he feels is worth and not bad, that you have to regulate that feeling and, above all, make decisions in your favor and that of others.

3. Listen to your opinion: At any age a child has something to say, something to say, and even if the reasoning is not right or complete, allowing him or her to say is to say, you are important, you can think, you are intelligent. The key is to listen to the child and motivate him to speak before releasing himself with a sermon so that he "understands".

According to the age, before a topic begins with questions for the child, ask him to explain what he understands, to give his opinion, simple questions about something he sees on television, on the internet or in books, describing images or inventing end ... questions are the basis of thinking. Ask him before explaining things to him.

4. Recognize their competences: A child can do many things; To begin with, you just need to feel capable and loved. What we need to do to help him not to stop his creative capacity, to be productive according to his age and to assume responsibilities, is to recognize his achievements and successes; is to become a promoter and disseminator of their achievements.

Never stop saying "bravo", "hurray", "you did it", "you can", "try again". Something basic is knowing that there are many ways to be intelligent, which is called multiple intelligences. Not all children love math or history or dance, each one is inclined to something different and their taste, so it is key to observe children and see their inclinations and preferences, help them to discover themselves and be what they want be, only then will they do what the program asks of them at school.

5. Allow them and facilitate them to work as a team : Things get better, easier and faster if they are done as a team. Collaborative work is the basis of human life, so for a child it is essential to learn to overcome their egocentric individualism; Knowing yourself part of a group, of a community gives you a sense of belonging, learning to overcome the "I" or "mine" for the "we" and "our" leads to maturity and a healthy life.

The child needs to feel "part of" to value and value others, a healthy self-esteem is a balance between self and us. And you, how do you improve the self-esteem of your children?

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