Make an introspection!

How many times a week do you leave things to do them tomorrow or another day? Many people usually leave less important tasks to finish them later, however, there are other reasons why we postpone things.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the psychologist Alejandro Silva He explains that postponing things can be a symptom of depression, so it is important to rule out this theory before starting a treatment.

The specialist of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Sicoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM), He mentions that one way to detect it is if it is accompanied by alterations in sleep or appetite.

By putting aside this exception of depression, the postponement of things can have two causes: by organization or emotional factors.


Make an introspection!

When it comes to an organizational problem, Alejandro Silva points out, attention should be focused on the kind of things that work is hard to do. One way to achieve this is to make an action plan, to divide a general task into smaller steps to reach the goal.

At an emotional level we must do an introspection to discover what is preventing us from reaching our goal, as some change, to get rid of some things, that is, those situations that generate fear or prevent us from reaching a level of inspiration.

"When there is something that we can not finish and we can not explain it in a rational way, it is not because we are not smart or we can not organize, we just have to look for emotional reasons," says the specialist.


Get over it and successfully complete your tasks!

One way to reduce the postponement of things is to make an arbitrary division of leaving aside the practical reasons of the emotional and analyze the outcome of what will happen after completing the task.

In addition, you can talk with someone whose objective is to obtain a different point of view about the situation, if it is not an impact on the organization, then the emotional should be analyzed.

To do this, we must be honest with ourselves to obtain the correct answer and the solution that will resolve the conflict. And you, do you postpone things?

Video Medicine: Why Introspection Matters (April 2024).