Love from a distance does exist

Whether due to a professional or educational need, currently more couples live a love from a distance. A situation characterized by unusual or null physical encounters and communication based on technology, mainly social networks; However, can these work?

For the clinical psychologist Laura Herrero, If a couple is united and their affective emotional bond is strong, they will live this estrangement as a stage in a sentimental relationship, even consolidating it more.

Both will be aware of the personal and economic effort they are making to keep the feeling alive.

Therefore, the love of distance can be achieved as long as both parties desire it. For that reason we present you five tips to achieve it, according to María del Jesús Recuento, psychologist specialist in clinical sexology and couples therapy at ISEP Clínic de Córdoba :

1. What else has to be taken care of. As trite as it sounds is communication, it is very important to transmit to the other if one is sad, happy, the feelings ... so the other will feel free to also share their experiences. Also, it is very important to make him feel special.

2. New challenges. Separation introduces changes in the couple's way of relating. Therefore, it is convenient to make small modifications; example, to recognize how well he does something, how comfortable it feels to talk with him.

3. Spend the day with unexpected attention. From some flowers, send an e-mail, a letter or make the cookies you like so much ... Any surprise is a detail for the far away: "I remembered you today when ..."; "It occurred to me that we could do ..."

4. Take your time. It is difficult, but you must be aware that there is an internal process of adaptation to absence. In the first moments we go through an emotional state marked by longing and nostalgia for separation and miss the couple. Then the new situation will be accepted, focusing on the daily routine without losing daily contact.

5. It is not the end of the world. Both one and the other have to continue enriching their lives with other activities and not sink into the sadness of separation. In this way you will feel good and will be able to communicate and comment on new experiences to the other.

Love from a distance is possible, but always try to see things as they are. Try not to project or idealize. Live the moment!