Lose weight with the lemon diet

If you're looking to lose weight, lemon has cleansing properties, which will help you burn calories and speed up your metabolism.


The lemon diet It consists of detoxifying your body. Consuming lemon during the day helps you to purify your body, improve your digestion and eliminate toxins.


In an interview for GetQoralHealth with the nutritionist Monica Maza , points out that the basic thing is to have an active lifestyle and have a diet rich in vegetables and fruits:


But if you add lemon consumption to this, you can accelerate the burning of calories. "


Good or bad option?


The expert suggests doing the lemon diet for no more than seven days, because although you can lose weight to one size in a week, you also have more chances of a rebound when you return to your routine.


In addition, because it is a fast diet to lose weight it can generate a decompensation in your body, which can cause symptoms such as fatigue, fainting, hypotension, hypoglycemia, fatigue, among other symptoms.


What does it consist of?


Lto diet of lemon It consists of replacing drinks such as coffee, soda or tea, with lemonade (no sugar, no sweeteners and water at room temperature).


The lemonade should be consumed before each meal, and during the diet you should avoid fats, and you can include vegetables and from the third day lean meats.


Even though the lemon diet can contribute to a considerable loss of weight, it is important to mention that you must have a balance in your food and in the choices of products that you consume daily.


To lose weight, it is recommended to eat healthy, and before starting any type of diet, go to a doctor to assess your condition and the diet you plan to perform. In addition, physical activity is essential to achieve the goal. Watch your health!

Video Medicine: Cleansing the Body : Losing Weight With the Lemon Cleanse (April 2024).