Lose weight naturally!

If you want your digestive system to work properly, you should eat food to detoxify your organism, that is, those that promote cleanliness of the intestine.

You can get these super foods through theDETOX program in 7 days . By consuming them, your body will eliminate toxins, work better, but above all, you will gain more energy.

Eliminate toxins and waste that accumulate in the intestines and colon is a highly recommended task, especially if you are from people who live in constant stress, you experience fatigue, constipation or lack of concentration and have difficulty sleeping.


Lose weight naturally!

Weight gain and indigestion are also common conditions when the intestines are not functioning properly. Thus, GetQoralHealth recommends 10 foods to detoxify your bowel naturally.


  1. Fresh fruits with peel
  2. Yeast flakes
  3. Fresh vegetables
  4. Wheat products
  5. Seaweed
  6. Sprouted grains
  7. Spinach
  8. Broccoli
  9. Almonds
  10. Watercress

Nutrition experts also recommend eating legumes, cherries, beets and flax seeds. It is important that all these foods are consumed in their purest form and on an empty stomach.

If you are performing a colon cleansing, it is also ideal to drink purified water, as this helps to improve the elimination and promotes the cleansing process.

Remember that we are what we eat, so it is important that you eat foods that clean the intestine, which you can obtain with the DETOX program in 7 days . To the detoxify your body, reduce the risk of health problems and restore healthy bowel movements.And you, how do you purge your body?

Video Medicine: How to Lose Weight and Get More Energy in 15 Days (April 2024).