Lose weight during pregnancy

During the pregnancy , the woman must be very careful and one of them is very important feeding , since the baby's life depends in large part on the diet of the mother. There is a false belief that the more you eat, the healthier the baby will be born. However, it is best to bring a diet balanced quality, so that both have an excellent Health .

A future mother must gain weight between kilo and kilo and a half per month, which translates into an increase of between 12 and 14 kilos of weight during the period of gestation . Overcoming or being below these figures represents a risk for both the mother and the baby.

The subsistence allowance of slimming are prohibited during pregnancy, since in this way the fetus I would not receive the nutrients necessary for its development.

The diet of a pregnant woman should be rich in fresh foods, mainly cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, eggs and dairy. As for the caloric needs of a pregnant woman and for the correct development of the fetus it is enough to increase 250 calories plus the diet daily.Avoid the consumption of fats, sweets and soft drinks. GetQoralHealth recommends the following portions and foods that you should include in your diet.

Fruit (2-4 servings): One serving equals half a cup of cut fruit, a medium fruit (such as a pear or an apple) or three plums.

Cereals (6-11 servings): one serving equals one slice of bread, 150 grams of cereals or 100 grams of rice or pasta.

Dairy (3-4 servings): one serving is a glass of milk, two yogurts, 150 gr. of fresh cheese or a flan.

Proteins (2-3 servings): one serving is a filet of red meat, chicken, fish, or two eggs.

Vegetables (3-5 servings): a cup of raw vegetables or half a cup of cooked vegetables.

Salt is necessary for pregnancy and should not be removed from the diet , but you have to use it sparingly and always prefer iodized salt.

The vitamin essential for women in pregnancy is the folic acid . You can find it in green leafy vegetables, asparagus, legumes and liver. For pregnant women it is essential to take at least 0.4 mg. of this vitamin every day, mainly in the first weeks.

Remember that before adopting a diet you should consult your doctor, because it is he who should watch the diet and the state of health of both.

Video Medicine: Kaiser Permanente Study Encourages Obese Women to Gain No Weight During Pregnancy (April 2024).