Lose weight and strengthen your memory

If you think you have to sacrifice your diet to lose weight you are very wrong, since there are delicious foods that help you burn calories, while strengthening your memory.

In the following video, Deya Cano presents you with five food options that not only help you to have a photographic memory, but also lose weight naturally. Know them!

To lose weight effectively and have a good memory, you need to supplement a good diet with other steps such as the following:

1. Practice exercise

According to a study of the University of Texas Doing a physical activity or aerobic exercise improves your short-term memory and prevents cardiovascular aging.

A good option to achieve this is the practice of cycling, running, swimming or simply walking. You decide the activity that approaches your physical and time needs.

2. Social interaction

The specialists of Mayo Clinic reveal that your social interaction prevents depression and stress, factors that contribute to memory loss.

In addition, by living with people who have healthy habits you can learn to improve yours, it is only a matter of identifying what is best for you.

3. Sleep well

Sleep plays a very important role in the consolidation of memories, so do not skimp on your rest hours and make them a priority.

Before going to bed, turn off your cell phone an hour early and when you are about to fall asleep, go to your bed. Without distractions you will achieve a deep sleep.

As you realize, a healthy diet, exercise, as well as constant visits with the doctor, make you healthier, lose weight and take care of your memory 100%.

These are the keys to enjoy a better quality of life, it is only a question that you learn to organize and prioritize your activities.

Video Medicine: How To Improve Your Memory and Lose Weight Saturday Morning Diet (April 2024).