Light and healthy!

In GetQoralHealth and with information from the researcher Brooke Douglas , we present 4 foods that generate abdominal inflammation.


Light and healthy!

1. Soft drinks According to research from the National Toxicology Program in the United States, the consumption of soda increases and promotes inflammation and insulin resistance.

2. Sugar. Contained in bread, cookies and sweets that affect oral health and excessive consumption predisposes to diabetes.

3. Fats. Avoid fried or high-fat foods, especially those of animal origin: margarine, sausages or high-fat meats.

4. Beans . Thanks to its fiber content and natural components but not assimilated in the human body, they make bean a food that must be consumed in moderation.

Publications in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition they reveal that consuming foods rich in omega 3 and 6 such as salmon or walnuts help to obtain an anti-inflammatory effect that is even greater in women.

In addition, thanks to its lycopene content, red tomato helps reduce the level of interleukin -8 (IL-8) and TNF-alpha also involved in the inflammatory process.

Video Medicine: Light and Healthy Penne - Food Network (April 2024).