Lies detector vs bad feeding

Those people who are in some food plan they will not be able to sin so often anymore, because there is already a lie detector to subsistence allowance .

Researchers of the universities of Aberystwyth and Newcastle , in the United Kingdom, they created a urine test that can determine what foods were consumed by the patient and in what quantities.

The test measures chemical "fingerprints", known as metabolites , which appear in the urine of a person who has eaten red, white or processed meat.

In addition, scientists have identified metabolites of foods considered healthy, such as raspberries, salmon, broccoli and orange juice.

"What we eat has a huge impact on our health, but it is very difficult to know exactly what and how much people eat every day, and for many honestly recognizing what they eat is difficult," said a spokesman for the University of Aberystwyth.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the manager of Sport City Nutrition Rubén Lepe, explains some consequences of food deficiency:

In the search for chemical 'fingerprints' that leave food in the urine, research has shown that scientists can determine if people wear a diet healthy or not.

"In the long run, this analysis will help discover new links between diet and health levels, "said the professor John Mathers , who is in charge of the study at the Center for Research in Human Nutrition, University of Newcastle .

According to Mathers, when scientists gain more knowledge about the metabolites , and therefore to affirm with more certainty those that the patients eat, it will be possible to advance much more in the appreciation "of which foods help protect the patient from diseases specific and what kind of consumption we should stimulate for the maintenance of health ".

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Video Medicine: I Tried Beating A Lie Detector Test (April 2024).