Let's move!

According to, the Foundation "Opera Prima y Neuronilla" , the three levels to balance under a stress situation are, the physical, mental and spiritual level.

Stress is a psychological or physiological response that occurs in the presence of an "environmental stressor." The factors that influence are diverse: personality, health, environment or the economy. GetQoralHealth , we present you 5 movements that relax your body and improve your wellbeing.


Let's move!

1. Relaxing chair. Sit on the edge of a chair, extend your arms back and with your hands take the backrest. Inhale and stretch your chest forward and drop your head back with caution. Hold the position and arch the column. Meanwhile, bring your shoulders back and breathe quietly.

2. Ayurvedic massage. The specialist, indicates that this massage is practiced in patients with little or no clothing, to perform circular movements throughout the body, especially in the back and neck where they accumulate more tensions.

3. Reflective walk. It is not necessary to be in a specific position for meditation, while you walk, try to perceive your steps, the movement and the sensation of your feet when you touch the ground to the rhythm of your breathing, feel the wind and smile.

4. Imagination. Do you like the beach ?, then sit and just cross your feet, and imagine: listen to the sound of the sea, the smell of sand, the sensation of freshness on your feet and the salt on your lips, imagine a sunrise in that place that you consider close to paradise.

5. Breathe and reduce your waist. With this technique, you will not only relax, but you will take advantage to reduce measures at your waist. Miki Rysouke , author of the "Deep breathing diet" , invites you to check it: stand up and place one hand on your abdomen, the other on the lower back and breathe for three seconds. Finally, exhale for seven seconds and contract the stomach tightly.



The biochemist and researcher, Willliam H. Frey , of St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center in Minnesota , explains that when tears are emotional contain not only salt, but also endorphins, adenocorticotropin, prolactin and manganese, substances considered as stressful and harmful to the body, so when released by crying can improve emotional health.

Another reference to the benefits of crying is the research carried out by Margaret Creepeau , in the University of Pittsburg , which refers to crying as a beneficial option to combat chronic colitis or gastric ulcers, stress-related conditions. Relax and take care of your body!