Let it go…

Why me? It seems that there are people who appear in our lives to prove how resistant we are, because they hurt us again and again without caring how they damage our self-esteem and health. However, is it possible to overcome and, above all, forgive who is hurting us?


One of the reasons why we find it difficult to forgive is because we do not understand what it means forgive. There is a terrible confusion, Many people think that to forgive is to justify what the other person has done, to let it go or to continue to tolerate a situation. And this leads to a very big confusion because, obviously, there are things that are unjustifiable. And sometimes we do not forgive because indirectly we think that through it we are charging some kind of revenge" , so says Rosa Argentina Rivas, clinical psychotherapist.


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Let it go…

We all have wounds and traumas, but it is necessary that this be part of the past. For that reason we give some advice to overcome and forgive that person, with information from Rosario Matte, expert in psychology .

1. Go inside yourself. To begin to heal it is necessary that you do not cling to hate or anger that you feel for the person who assaulted you. If you keep the rage or chronic grudge towards someone, the most probable thing is that this is because you do not want to lose the relationship with that person, or lose the power of your role as a victim in this situation.

2. Each person is 100% responsible for their own feelings. Regardless of what they have done to you, each one has the power to transform their experiences into learning and personal growth . By being aware of this power that is found in all human experience, you will achieve a change in your perception, valuing people and circumstances that have caused you pain.

3. It's for you. Forgiveness does not mean at any time that you have to justify or resume the relationship with who hurt you, not change your behavior or let you win, is an action to do for you, not the other person.

4. Love Check your self esteem and try to strengthen it. Think that if you felt or were incapable at that time, today you are different and you can learn to act and think in a different way.


Forgiveness is a personal act, of your interior; when you forgive you are not releasing the other, you are releasing yourself, "says Matte.

Remember that your health is in your hands. Beware!

Video Medicine: FROZEN | Let It Go Sing-along | Official Disney UK (April 2024).