Learn what anti-age numbers are

Maintaining the order of meals, not pretending to skip meals and moderating portions to make a diet and lose weight, are key to being thin and controlling weight after 30 years, according to Argentine endocrinologists Laura Maffei and Juliana Mociulsky.

Making only two meals a day is useless because it slows down the metabolism. What happens is that there are hormones that are going to be responsible for sending signals: if a person does not eat all day, it generates signs of savings through certain hormones .

This is totally counterproductive because it produces fat and makes you fat. To be thin, although it seems strange, you have to eat well and balanced. Happen hungry it's fattening


Learn what anti-age numbers are

To reverse the advance of time and to counteract the physical changes, both specialists explain that there are certain numbers that the woman must know and try to control so that she achieves to be thin.

These numbers are known as "Anti-age" because they are the key to staying healthy and thin, even if years go by. From the 35, indicate, you have to control 10 figures:

100 calories less per day
30% daily fat
1 hour of exercise every day
5 servings of antioxidants
88 cm waist, no more
5 grams of Salt maximum daily
120-80 mmhg should be blood pressure
1000 mg of calcium per day
200 mg / dl the ideal figure of your cholesterol total
110 should be your level of glucose on an empty stomach

Remember that after 30 years it is difficult to lose weight, but not impossible. Decide to change those habits that prevent you from having a better quality of life, as well as look spectacular with an ideal weight.

Video Medicine: The Future of Aging (April 2024).