Learn to take care of her!

Our voice is unique, like a fingerprint. It is the way we have to converse, persuade, connect with other people and seduce. We use it at all times, however, how much do you follow the advice to take care of the voice?

The National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the United States (NIDCD, for its acronym in English) warns that about 7.5 million people in the world suffer from diseases of the voice, due to negligence or neglect.


Learn to take care of her!

Sleeping a little, talking loudly and for hours, smoking too much, as well as coughing hard are conditions that we must avoid in order to avoid problems, that's why GetQoralHealth offers you the following tips to take care of your voice:

  1. Drink a lot of water (6 to 8 glasses a day) and limits the consumption of alcohol and coffee.
  2. Do not smoke and avoid the smoke around you.
  3. Learn to breathe from the bottom of the diaphragm and practice exercises and techniques that help you control your breathing, especially if you sing or talk constantly.
  4. Use a humidifier in atmospheres or dry environments.
  5. When you are hoarse, do not overuse the voice. In noisy places do not strain your voice trying to speak louder.
  6. Avoid placing the telephone headset between your head and shoulder for long times. This position, very common when we do several things at once, produces muscular tension in the neck.
  7. If you need to gargle, use a salt water solution and avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol or irritating chemicals.

Rest your voice and take care of it. Remember that it is the only one we have. If you feel any discomfort, it is best to visit the otolaryngologist to help relieve it. And you, how do you take care of your voice?

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Video Medicine: My Self Care Rituals / 10 Ways to Take Care of Yourself (April 2024).