Learn to overcome a miscarriage

When wanting to help parents who have gone through the trance of a spontaneous abortion , we realize that they are usually in such a state of shock that they themselves do not know what they need.

The first thing to do is to encourage them to express their pain and restore their self-esteem, while acknowledging their suffering. In short, the person deserves that their feelings are supported by those around them. For that reason, here we give you some tips to know how to act in moments like this.

What should I do?

  1. Keep close : The contact with the affected person is paramount.
  2. Show affection : A hug or arm over the shoulder are comforting.
  3. Let the tears flow : Understands that crying is a healing response; never encourage them to avoid them.
  4. Let talk : Become the passive companion that raises questions; Focus on the points that help you talk about your feelings. Just listen.
  5. Express your feelings : Say how you feel about the loss of the baby and how embarrassed you feel.
  6. Shows interest in the couple : The feelings of both count a lot, so do not forget the father.
  7. Give encouragement : Encourage her to be patient and not to impose burdens.
  8. Promotes rest : The duel It is a physically exhausting process, she probably needs to sleep or rest during the day. Make the necessary arrangements to ensure the necessary calm.
  9. Offer help : You can fix the house, make or buy food or medicines.
  10. Create a relaxing environment : Put on music, offer a massage. When she feels ready, take her to see a movie she likes.


How to express what I feel?

  1. I'm sorry for your loss: These simple words mean a lot, especially if you allow the mother or father to talk more, or not, as they wish.
  2. I know how much you wanted this baby: With this you simply recognize that something precious and dear has been lost, and you give them the opportunity to talk more.
  3. Crying is good: This may sound like a movie, but it is reassuring for the mother or father to know that they will not be judged by their tears or their sadness.
  4. Can I call you next week to find out how you are doing ?: Often people show empathy the first time they discuss the subject and then never mention it again. You can wait for parents to continue grieving for weeks or months, so it is reassuring for them to know that they are still counting on your support.
  5. I was wondering how you feel about your loss now: It is good for them to have the opportunity to talk about the abortion; even, if a long time has passed. Parents never forget an experience of this kind.
  6. Actually I do not know what to say: The good thing about this is that you're being honest. The fact that you are willing to listen is what really matters.

No matter how you express it, the important thing is that you demonstrate interest in the person's pain, as well as the need to recover quickly and get a positive attitude towards life. And you, have you had contact with this type of situation?

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Video Medicine: How to Overcome Miscarriage with God’s Word—Terry & Hannah Minor Testimony (April 2024).