Learn to heal blisters

A blister It is formed when the outer layer of the skin separates from the lower layer. Blisters on the feet occur as a result of constant friction, either from shoes or hard surfaces in contact with the skin.

These appear in the hands of climbers and climbers, mountain bikers and when practicing kayaking.
It can also be formed by dirt from stones or dirt that stick to the skin.

The sensation is often irritating, uncomfortable and painful. Although most cases do not require emergency treatment, they must be adequately treated with first aid.

This summer, with all your summer plans and activities, it is useful to have the proper knowledge about first aid for blisters.


Put it into practice

1. Wash the affected area with clean hands; use soap and warm water.

2. Clean the ampoule with alcohol or iodine.

3. To bust it or not? The issue has always been controversial, although it is advisable to do so, just make sure to clean it properly and leave the skin intact, as this acts as a protection to the skin layer beneath it.

4. Using a sterile needle, prick the blister gently; Let the accumulated liquid drain.

5. Clean the ampule a second time by rubbing it with an antibiotic ointment.

6. Cover the blister with a bandage or gauze.

7. Clean the blister periodically until it heals completely.

8 . Once the skin has dried, let it fall naturally.



To avoid that these appear or that are generated again, you can follow simple, but effective recommendations:

1. Use the right shoe size.

2. Keep your feet dry.

3. Protects the blister-prone area of ​​the feet.

4. Wear gloves when working with tools or doing outdoor activities, such as mountain biking and kayaking to reduce the friction of your hands.

5. The feet swell during the day, so the best thing to go shopping is to wear comfortable shoes.

6. Wear special sports socks with additional padding in critical areas to reduce the risk of blisters.

If the discomfort persists, it is best to go with a specialist who assesses the damage to your skin and gives you a treatment to follow.

Video Medicine: Basic First Aid Tips : How to Treat Burn Blisters (April 2024).