Learn to enjoy it to avoid other diseases

The loneliness It is a good opportunity to learn things about ourselves and grow emotionally, however, when you experience it excessively it becomes a disease that affects everything from your self-esteem to your cognitive functions.

According to a study published in the Psychological Bulletin , the loneliness It is not a symptom, it is a disease. John Cacioppo, author of the research, the key is in the brain.

The brain of a lonely person is structurally and biochemically different than the brain of a more sociable person.


"Experimental studies show that social isolation produces significant changes in brain structures and processes in adult social animals. These effects are not uniform in the brain or in all these species, but are more evident in regions of the brain that reflect differences in the functional demands of the solitary compared to the social life of a particular species, "explains the author.

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The author details that a person suffering from loneliness has a feeling of isolation constant, despite being in some virtual or physical crowd.

The brain of people who feel lonely does not respond to positive stimuli and has a lower activity or ability to predict what others think.