Learn to eat a balanced diet

Everyone talks about having a diet balanced, but what does it consist of? A diet balanced is the one that gives you the necessary nutrients to have a Healthy life and that gives you the Energy necessary to carry out your daily activities.

A frequent error when thinking about a diet Balanced is to believe that everything you like is forbidden. On the contrary, the idea is that the food is pleasant, but also allows you to feel good. To find the balance GetQoralHealth suggests the following recommendations

1. Have a diet Balanced does not translate into restriction, on the contrary, it allows you to experiment with new combinations of foods that can be very delicious and nutritious.

2. Creating new eating habits is not easy. Take your time to get used to the new diet. Be patient, the results will benefit your Health and figure.

3. Little by little, it incorporates new ingredients in the preparation of your food so that the palate becomes accustomed to them and you begin to enjoy them.

4. Increase your consumption fiber , choose whole foods such as rice and whole grains, these are healthier than products made with refined flours.

5. Do not do the fats aside, these are necessary for the nutrition of the brain , the heart, the hair, the skin and the nails. The most recommended fats are those that come from plants, such as canola, olive or peanut oil, and nuts, almonds and seeds. Fish also have healthy fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and the omega-6 .

Finally, to achieve the goal of having a healthy life, do not forget to integrate the exercise as part of your lifestyle. Good luck!

Video Medicine: Healthy Eating - Portion Control (April 2024).