Kundalini balances your energy

Energy Yoga or Kundalini It is a different practice inspired by Tibetan Yoga. This type of Yoga emphasizes the importance not only of doing but of feeling.

Under the motto "Where goes the thought, goes the energy", the Kundalini It consists of push-ups, twists, jumps, contractions, distensions and balances, which harmonically allow to maintain a balance with energy.


5 yoga postures that balance your energy


According to the college of Yoga Santoshael , this practice allows you to activate and direct your energy to achieve a positive balance in your life, in addition to improving blood circulation. That is why we present you five postures Kundalini :


1. Crane posture . Release fear. This posture helps you develop balance, release fear and find a physical and mental harmony.



2. Frog posture. Find the balance in your relationships. Keep your heels together and your fingers on the floor. Inhale through your nose when you stretch your knees and exhale through your nose when squatting.



3. Cobra posture . For communication Lie on the floor with your hands under your shoulders and your palms firmly placed on it.



Stretch the arms in such a way that you raise the heart, let the head follow the movement and keep the pelvis on the floor. If the stretch is very demanding, try the posture of the sphinx keeping your elbows on the floor while arching your head back.


4. Lotus posture Deep meditation Lift the left foot and place it on the upper part of your right thigh. Place your right foot on the left thigh near your body.



5. Sat Kriya (the seat of the soul) . Sit on your heels and stretch your arms over your head hugging your ears and keep your elbows straight. Interlace all fingers except the index, which should point up.


Men should cross the right thumb over the left, and women the left thumb over the right. Repeat "Sat nam" at a steady pace. When saying "Sat" pull the navel inwards and say "nam" relax it. The energy goes up the spine. Keep your eyes closed.


To practice Kundalini it allows you to find not only a balance with your interior but with your exterior. Try it!