Know them and change your habits to prevent them!

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, while tuberculosis ceases to appear on the list, clarifies the World Health Organization (WHO), who made the modifications known according to 2011 data.

In the report, the WHO points out that in that year 55 million people died in the world. In addition, in the top 10 of the leading causes of death continue noncommunicable diseases, responsible for 36 million deaths in 2011.

Although the causes of death may be different between high and low income countries, the following causes are those that prevail in the world.


Know them and change your habits to prevent them!


  1. Ischemic heart disease Seven million deaths
  2. Stroke. 6.22 million deaths
  3. Lower respiratory tract infections. 3.2 million deaths
  4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Three million deaths
  5. Diarrheal diseases. 1.9 million deaths
  6. HIV AIDS. 1.6 million deaths
  7. Cancer of the trachea, bronchus and lung. 1.5 million deaths
  8. Mellitus diabetes. 1.4 million deaths
  9. Traffic accidents. 1.3 million deaths
  10. Preterm births or low birth weight. 1.2 million deaths

However, tuberculosis does not appear in the first 10 causes of death, it still remains in the top 15, causing a million deaths during 2011.

In addition, the organization ensures that life expectancy at birth increases six years, that is, a child born in 2011 can live up to 70 years on average.

The adoption of healthy habits can prevent the risk of developing any disease, so do not hesitate to improve your diet, perform some physical activity and go to the doctor at the first symptom of illness. Y you, how do you take care of your health?

Video Medicine: A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer (April 2024).