Know the benefits!

What emotions do you wake up the word brother ? Maybe your company you see it as something natural and a little forced, because by being part of your family you have to live with him different experiences of your life, but, did you know that it brings great benefits for you? Health ?

According to a study of the Brigham Young University , having a brother is very good for you mental health , regardless of whether it is a woman or a man.

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Know the benefits!

Scientists detail that by having a sibling you can develop skills that you may not even imagine, such as the following.

1. Raise your self-esteem

2. You increase your level of altruism

3. You are more likeable

4. You increase your level of generosity

5. Improve your patience


"Having a brother who can count seems to make a difference, especially for prosocial behavior, best friends make a contribution, but brothers still matter."

In addition, the researchers point out that the absence of conflict does not mean lack of affection, but reflects a higher level of commitment between each of the members of the family .

It is important that parents cultivate these positive emotions to maintain them for the rest of their lives and enjoy a balance in family life. And you, are you happy with your brothers?

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