Know 7 wonderful changes that fiber generates in your body

Surely you have heard about the benefits of fiber in you body , the basics are that they help the intestinal transit and to lose weight, but what are the changes that happen to your organism when do you eat fiber .

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , in the United States, after an extensive study on the benefits of fiber in the body , recommends eating 25 grams a day to an adult woman and 38 grams a man.

The fiber is found in the walls of cells of vegetable origin and is constituted by cellulose , hemicellulose Y carbohydrates .  In the market, you find it in the shape of an apple, pear, broccoli, oats and endless products.

Know 7 wonderful changes that fiber generates in your body

1. Sweep your waste. The vegetal fibers transit through digestive tube without being modified because our body lacks enzymes to metabolize them. In this way, they sweep all the waste so that you eliminate them naturally.

2. Improve your stools . Not being assimilated by our organism, the fiber remains in the intestine, stimulating the peristaltic movements which increases the volume of feces, with which the daily evacuation is benefited.

3. Absorbs glucose. This is important for diabetic people because it acts as a retarder in the absorption of glucose avoiding the peaks in the elevation of glycemia .

4. Regulates cholesterol . The fiber encapsulates fat and this one is not absorbed by what the body, so, you throw it away naturally.

5. Look for excess fat in your organs . Having a high percentage of fat in the organs is associated with high blood pressure , diabetes and the disease fatty liver . According to an investigation carried out by the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, for every 10 grams of Soluble fiber that you consume daily, you can lose 3.7% of total fat in five years.

Soluble fiber is found in nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, barley, oat bran, peas and apples.

6. Makes you feel satisfied . The foods that with fiber they have little Caloric intake and they are rich in water, so they can be taken in large quantities. On the other hand, gastric emptying is slower to foods that contain fiber, so the Feeling full is older.

7. Your skin looks radiant. According to National Digestive Diseases Information at Clearinghouse, United States, certain types of fiber are able to encapsulate parasites Y toxins that we consume in food and expel from your body.

In the absence of fiber, these parasites are absorbed by the liver and are deposited in the liver. bloodstream , where they leave the body in the form of imperfections in the skin .

The Benefits of fiber in your body They are immediate, they can help you in the battle against overweight or simply improve your health. Include fiber!

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