Jewelry that seduces and exposes you to dangers ...

Where would you like to have a piercing : in the navel or on the lips? Would you dare to take it in your genitals Experts say that regardless of the place where you decide to wear this adornment, it is important that you know what the risks are.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology reveals that in 20% of the cases complications such as infections and local bleeding occur.


Jewelry that seduces and exposes you to dangers ...

Hand in hand with experts from the Mexican Foundation for Dermatology, of the Spanish Society of Periodontics and other specialists like Anne Laumann, researcher of the faculty of medicine Feinberg from Northwestern University in Chicago, We reveal 10 things you knew about us piercings.

1. If you have made the decision to do so, it is highly recommended to seek a professional who has an establishment authorized by the Federal Health Secretariat (Ssa), whose regulations require certain measures of hygiene , use of gloves and disposable equipment.

Do not allow them to use drill guns since they can not be sterilized in the autoclave, a device used to sterilize medical or laboratory equipment.

2. Avoid gold, silver or nickel / chrome for the earring or jewel that you are going to use as piercing . It is believed that surgical steel, niobium or titanium is safer, as long as they comply with a complete process of sterilization.

3. After a piercing, the presence of cicatrization abnormal with keloid formation (fibrous skin, unsightly and sometimes painful) and local infections. These injuries usually occur when the perforation is in the ears, nose, lips and belly button.

4. If the perforation is done on the tongue it can cause alteration in teeth or gums and in case inflammation of the language this can obstruct the respiratory tract.

According to the doctor David Herrera, vice president of the Spanish Society of Periodontics (SEPA), When the piercing is inserted into the tongue, there is a significant risk of hemorrhage, since this organ has many blood vessels .

5. Over time, the adornments of the tongue and mouth also cause other damages such as fissures, abrasions, pigmentations, ulcers, exaggerated growth of scar tissue or depapilation, that is, loss of the gum triangle between tooth and tooth.

In the words of Herrera, "in the long term, it begins to accumulate in the piercing plaque and tartar, bacteria accumulate and the surrounding tissues become inflamed, which is a cause of halitosis ".

6. A study published in 'Dental Traumatology' , reveals that at least 35% of people with tongue or lip piercings experience gingival recession (loss of oral gum) that, if left untreated, may end in the fall of the mouth. tooth and "sometimes, the damage is irreversible," points out Dr. Herrera.

7. As for genital piercings, affirms the Dr. Laumann, they can cause obstruction of the urethra and infections that lead to infertility.

These ornaments "favor the transmission of certain infections and diseases such as hepatitis, syphilis , HIV ... They can cause wounds in the mucosa and this is an open door to contamination. "

8. When the piercings are in the nipple, there is a risk of galactorrhea , that is, secretion of the nipple.

9. If the area chosen is the navel, experts explain, healing takes a year. It is especially prone to infections since it is a little airy and humid area, which facilitates the action of fungi and bacteria

10. For those who already have a perforation and this one is recent, it is necessary to keep the wound neat, to wash smoothly and daily with a non-alcoholic antiseptic, or peroxide.

Avoid the manipulation of the earring or jewel and if the hole is in the tongue do antiseptic rinses and ask your doctor to prescribe an appropriate anti-inflammatory. It is not advisable to use ointment or cream antibacterial

In case of presenting some type of irritation or complication after the process it is necessary to go to the doctor to evaluate the type of injury and give the proper management to the diagnosis.